Throughout the ages artists have used perspective’s logic to bring a sense of realism to their creations. Yet perspective tricks alone aren’t nearly enough to imbue a work of art with soul.
Meandering across the surface of the earth are a myriad of lesser-known lines that reflect the landscape’s deeper meaning. Creating art with sensitivity to these lines brings the artist into intimate contact with the land’s true essence.
Unfortunately, there is no obvious logic behind these lines’ placement. Unlike perspective lines, an artist can’t construct them mentally from a set of rules. Instead, the qualities needed to work with these lines are deep sensitivity and an open and agile mind.
Have you ever walked beside a stream, or deep in the woods, then suddenly stopped in your tracks, overwhelmed by a sense of the location’s uniqueness? It felt special and serene, yet also full of energy, right?
What you stumbled on was a nexus, a power point in the earth’s crust.
You might liken this to a shaded window that affords a glimpse of a deeper reality, or a slightly ajar doorway through which you feel the primal pulse of the earth.
While these power points are scattered far and wide, science, as defined by a dictionary, does not recognize them. There are no books that will accurately locate them for you. Discovery of their reality, then, depends on each searcher’s sensitivity and openness.
If you take the time to look deeper than first impressions, and if you allow yourself to sink into that looking without prejudgment, you increase the chances of discovering them directly for yourself.
And these meandering lines mentioned earlier? They are nothing less than a network of subtle conduits connecting all the power points together. Although they can flow straight and true like perspective lines, more often than not they curve and twist, sometimes disappearing only to reappear miles away.
Many attuned artists create with an extraordinary sensitivity to Gaia (Mother Earth). Are they consciously aware of these subtle lines and power points? Probably not.
Certainly many would deny the existence of something so absurd. But a deeper part of them must intuitively connect with the subtle energies of these earth lines, for without that sensitivity, they simply could not create their transcendent works.